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Before submitting a song, please read this:


1. Make sure that your song is published on Soundcloud

2. Make sure your song has a name

3. You can not submit the same song twice

4. The genre must be the one that we requested

5. When we get too much submissions, we'll pick an X amount of songs. We decide which songs will make       it into the final album.

6. Any artist (also the ones featured in previous albums) can submit their song for the upcoming albums.

7. There will be a top 3 best artists of the month who get a well deserved place.

8. Once your song is accepted, you can ask for personal tutorials or suggestions to learn stuff from us. And     maybe you can learn us stuff :P

9. Once the submission page closes we'll start uploading songs every 2nd day. (if we're late we may upload more frequently)

10. By submitting a song you agree that we can monetize the Youtube video that we'll make.


If you do not agree on one of these points, please message us and we'll see what we can do :D

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